
Filmmakers Explain Decision to Make Fred Movie to Times

Are you familiar with Fred Figglehorn? He’s the alter ego of 16-year-old Lucas Cruikshank, and he is a YouTube hero, with 70 million channel views since 2005. He’s also insanely annoying: The character is an obnoxious 6-year-old who talks in a piercing squeal. And now he’s getting a movie! The Times reports from the set, and we find that the film’s makers — including director Brian Robbins (Norbit) and writer David A. Goodman (Family Guy) — are really excited about the creative potential for the project. Just check out their enthused quotes!

Goodman: “It felt like there was enough story there to make a movie … There’s a point of view.”

• Producer Gary Binkow: “If you’re an adult, you’re a little put off at first — what is this? But once you start watching, you realize it’s hilarious.”

Robbins: “Lucas will be able to pump the audience through YouTube.”

Electric! For your own look at Fred, here’s his new Christmas single. You want another hour and 27 minutes, don’t you?

Bigger Screen for a High-Pitched Whine [NYT]

Filmmakers Explain Decision to Make Fred Movie to Times