Mars Attacks!: Bryan Cranston, the amazing star of Breaking Bad, has joined the cast of Pixar’s first live-action film, John Carter of Mars. The film focuses on a Civil War veteran (the amazing Taylor Kitsch) who somehow ends up on Mars, fighting in the planet’s own war. Cranston will play a Civil War colonel who goes to Mars with him. Once on the red planet, they start a high-school football team and start cooking meth. [HR]
More Brothers: Paramount is developing a sequel to its 2005 action flick Four Brothers. The sequel will be called Five Brothers, of course. Mark Wahlberg will return with writers David Elliot and Paul Lovett. The first film revolved around a group of men adopted by the same woman who come together to take down her murderers. Five Brothers will start the story over with an extra brother and instead of tracking down their mom’s murderer, they’ll start a boy band. [HR]
Space Talk: Leonardo DiCaprio will lend his buttery voice to Hubble 3D, an upcoming Imax feature about the telescope. DiCaprio will narrate the production, which pairs Imax with Warner Brothers. “Leonardo’s exceptional talent as both an actor and communicator will dovetail nicely with this breathtaking film, and we’re looking forward to having him guide us to the edge of the universe and back,” said Imax CEO Richard L. Gelfond. Call us crazy, but we’d prefer an actor NOT guiding us into space. Yikes! [Variety]
Out of the Covers: The UCB’ s own Kevin Schwartz has joined the cast of J.J. Abrams Undercovers, a pilot about Steve and Samantha, two married CIA agents who are reactivated after years of retirement. Schwartz, who was part of a team that won an Emmy for writing Hugh Jackman’s opening Oscar number, will play a young CIA agent who looks up to Steve. He’s going to be bummed when Abrams forces him to travel through time to kill him. [HR]
Addicted to Addiction: TLC is getting in on the addiction-doc genre with Addicted, a new one-hour series that follows Kristina Wandzilak, an intervention specialist, as she tries to help addicts kick the habit. Each episode will focus on one poor soul as they try to recover and a TV show exploits them in their time of need. [Variety]