Crowned: Movie stars Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts will reteam for Universal’s Larry Crowne, a film Hanks scripted with Nia Vardalos and will direct about “a man reinventing his life.” When your movie stars Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts we guess your pitch doesn’t really need to be any more specific than that. [HR]
Cancer!: So drunk on Twilight money are the execs at Summit Entertainment that they just bought the domestic rights to the Jonathan Levine—directed Seth Rogen—James McAvoy cancer comedy formerly known as I’m With Cancer (the project is now untitled, probably until they think of something less cancer-y). In the Will Reiser—scripted movie, which will also star Anna Kendrick and Bryce Dallas Howard, McAvoy stars a guy who learns he has cancer. Still no word on whether they’ll shoot it in 3-D. [HR]
Mad: Paul Reiser is nearing a deal with NBC for a single-camera, Curb Your Enthusiasm—ish comedy following a fictionalized version of the former Mad About You star’s real life. Boy is NBC going to be disappointed when they find out he’s not really married to Helen Hunt. [Deadline, HR]
More Probst: In case you were worried Jeff Probst might not return as host of Survivor, don’t be — he just renewed his contract through May of 2011, which was probably easier than finding his way home from the island anyway. [Variety]
Actors Added to Shows: Jesse Metcalfe and Andrea Anders can both thank each another for being added to pilots tonight (ABC’s Mr. Sunshine and TBS’s Chase, respectively), since either alone might not have warranted his or her own story on The Hollywood Reporter’s website. [HR]
Break Down: Frank Grillo, formerly of Prison Break, will join the cast of ABC’s crime series The Gates. Hooray! [HR]