Though one ongoing casting soap opera came to a close today, another is just beginning. Both Slumdog Millionaire’s Freida Pinto and House’s Olivia Wilde refuted reports today that they were in the running for the part of the next Bond girl. Wilde tweeted “Despite the rumors, I have no plans to do Bond,” before going on to insult the Internet’s intelligence: “But the internet may be confused as I am doing Cowboys & Aliens with Daniel Craig. Fun!” Pinto took the old-school approach by releasing a statement through a publicist: ““I would like to confirm that as of today, Freida Pinto has not been approached to be part of the next Bond film.”
If this casting story line is going to play out anything like Captain America’s, expect Jenna Fischer’s name to start floating around mid-next week.
Olivia Wilde and Freida Pinto Deny Bond Girl Rumors [Movieline]