Hole, Nobody’s Daughter
Official release date: April 27, 2010
The Verdict: New music Monday continues here at Vulture: After pointing your attention to Blur’s first new song in seven years and the latest Hold Steady album, we now alert you that Nobody’s Daughter — the oft-delayed Courtney Love project, officially the first Hole album since 1998 — has leaked. Disappointingly, the development has thus far not inspired an impassioned, grammatically incorrect Courtney Twitter rant (maybe she’s cool with it because there’s only about a week to go before the album’s official release date?). On the plus side, and only appropriately, Daughter offers plenty of rage; slow and calm rage (“Someone Else’s Bed”), radio-friendly pop-rock rage (“Skinny Little Bitch”), poorly enunciated rage (“Honey”) take your pick! There’s also the regretful, incongruously coherent “Letter to God” (sensibly, it’s the one song Linda Perry wrote by herself), the fun-loving kiss-off “Loser Dust” (okay, that one’s also kind of angry), and a surprising amount of Love alone with an acoustic guitar. And it’s all delivered in her trademark sloppy, scarred, yelpy-drawl vocals. Basically, that part on album closer “Never Go Hungry,” where she goes “My wig’s on crooked and I got no shoes” pretty much says it all.