Lindsay Lohan has just been sentenced to 90 days in jail for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving under the influence of cocaine, consistently lying about it in court, and violating probation. Her sentencing was broadcast on live feed, as she sporadically sobbed through her testimony. Her surrender date will be in two weeks, on July 20, at 8 a.m. She’ll wear a SCRAM bracelet until then.
UPDATE: The L.A. Country Sheriff’s Department has explained that “[g]enerally, a female inmate in Lindsay’s situation only serves 25 percent of their sentence” owing to overcrowding and good behavior, meaning Lohan would spend about 25 days behind bars. The Sheriff’s Department has also said Lohan will be in a “keep-a-way” situation because of her “notoriety,” for her own safety. And then there’s the inevitable nonsensical comment from Lohan’s father, Michael: “Coming here today was like coming to Doonesbury. The system has failed my daughter.” Asked about Dina Lohan, he said, “Leave Dina alone. She’s suffering just like I am.” Asked about his upcoming Hamptons nightclub, he said, “It’s an events club, and it’s all for charity. It opens August 8th.” No, really, that happened. If you want to watch the sentencing itself — there are tears — you can see it here.