A spokesman for the William Morris Endeavor confirmed that the agency has dropped Mel Gibson as a client, after an audio tape of his racist and misogynistic rant surfaced. In the tape, which Gibson believes his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva leaked, the actor tells Grigorieva,”You look like a fucking pig in heat … if you get raped, it will be your fault,” and uses racial slurs. The L.A. Sheriff’s Department is also investigating Grigorieva’s claims of domestic violence.
Ed Limato, Gibson’s agent, died last Saturday, and co-chief executive of William Morris, Ari Emanuel, has never hid his feelings on Gibson, penning an open letter to Hollywood in 2006 urging the industry to blacklist the actor. (Limato joined the agency in 2007, bringing Gibson on as his client.) So what’s the fate of The Beaver, the upcoming Jodie Foster–directed film in which Gibson plays a depressed divorcé who forms a relationship with a beaver hand puppet? Well, Gibson playing a lunatic apparently won’t be much of a stretch, and it’s certainly a role audiences can believe. But Summit Entertainment, distributing The Beaver, has yet to announce where or when the movie will be released, saying “no comment” when asked their plans for the film.
Mel Gibson Blows Himself Up [Business Insider]
William Morris Endeavor dumps Mel Gibson [Company Town/LAT]