Here’s one thing we forgot to add to our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
e thing we forgot to add to our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
orgot to add to our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
to our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
“http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2010/08/juggalos.html#”>our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
g.com/daily/entertainment/2010/08/juggalos.html#”>our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
entertainment/2010/08/juggalos.html#”>our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
t/2010/08/juggalos.html#”>our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
ggalos.html#”>our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
“>our guide to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
/a> to this weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
weekend’s 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
thering of the Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
he Juggalos; throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
throwing excrement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
crement, urine and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
ne and bricks at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
s at Tila Tequila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
equila. Because according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
use according to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
g to her, that’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
at’s exactly what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
what happened when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
ed when she performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
performed for the Juggalos Saturday night:
r the Juggalos Saturday night:
os Saturday night:
“I went onstage and immediately, before I even got on stage, DUDES were throwing HUGE STONE ROCKS in my face, beer bottles that slit my eye open, almost burnt my hair on fire cuz they threw fire crackers on stage, and they even took the sh*t out of the port-0-potty and threw sh*t and piss at me when I was onstage.”
Say what you will about Tequila, no one’s live performance debut should end like this. But it also makes one wonder what the promoters were thinking when they added her to the festival’s bill. She’s not exactly the name that pops to mind when thinking of someone whom Insane Clown Posse fans would like. Although, neither is Gallagher.