Former House actress Jennifer Morrison is joining the cast of How I Met Your Mother as Zooey, a new love interest for Josh Radnor’s Ted. While Ted has had a number of love interests in the past, it seems quite possible Morrison could be playing the love interest — i.e., the Mother of the show’s title. Zooey is “the biggest female character we’ve maybe ever added to the show in Ted’s life,” executive producer Craig Thomas said. “This is a big arc — a huge arc. It’s going to be a little less date-of-the-week for Ted, which season 5 was.” According to EW’s Michael Ausiello, Morrison’s character is “a rabble-rousing activist” intent on saving an old New York hotel that is being torn down to make room for a bank tower which Ted is designing, of course. Further evidence that Morrison may be The One is Thomas’ carefully worded explanation that the sixth season will get “back to the fact that Ted is the ‘I’ in How I Met Your Mother … there’s going to be a huge push forward for Ted on that search.”
Done deal: Jennifer Morrison hits the ‘Mother’ lode [Ausiello Files/EW]