Because he’s “over” rapping. Cudi breaks it down for MTV:
It’s actually not a completely out-of-left-field development: “Erase Me,” from his upcoming Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager, is straight pop-rock, and it’s as catchy as anything else occupying air space on rock radio. And even though rock music made by people who have played the guitar for less than three months is generally an unappetizing proposition, this time it doesn’t — surprise! — sound like all that terrible of an idea. Cudi’s always had a knack for churning out giant choruses (exhibits A and B); if he doesn’t feel like rapping in between those giant choruses anymore, we can deal with it.
First, can we just say — thank the universe for Kid Cudi! Back in 2007, when he was another mixtape rapper with an underground hit, who could have imagined he’d develop into the ridiculous blog-fodder-producing quote machine that he is today? (Vulture got four posts out of that liquid-cocaine thing alone.) And that’s because, to his great credit, Cudi’s bold enough to try to make a rock album knowing full well that he’ll get tons of shit for it. The legacy of Kanye’s experimental 808s & Heartbreak looms ever larger.
It’s actually not a completely out-of-left-field development: “Erase Me,” from his upcoming Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager, is straight pop-rock, and it’s as catchy as anything else occupying air space on rock radio. And even though rock music made by people who have played the guitar for less than three months is generally an unappetizing proposition, this time it doesn’t — surprise! — sound like all that terrible of an idea. Cudi’s always had a knack for churning out giant choruses (exhibits A and B); if he doesn’t feel like rapping in between those giant choruses anymore, we can deal with it.
Kid Cudi Says He’s Tired Of Rapping [RapRadar]