With the fourth season of Mad Men all wrapped up, creator Matthew Weiner is getting back to work on directing his first feature film, You Are Here. Last year, before production on the film went on hold, Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, and Jennifer Aniston were attached to star. Now Jack Black, Matt Dillon, and Renee Zellwegger will take their places, in a movie that does not sound at all like Mad Men! The film is about two thirtysomething roommates — one a slutty weatherman, the other a slacker pothead — forced to grow up when the slacker’s father dies, leaving him “a general store, a country home and millions of dollars worth of Amish farmland,” and both roommates fall for the father’s much younger widow. Black will take the stoner part, Zellweger will play his older sister, and an offer is out to Rachel McAdams to play the widow. Since it’s Weiner, obviously, we’re intrigued — just so long as this movie doesn’t mean we have to wait two years for season five. [Pajiba]