Yesterday, during a session of Prime Minister’s Questions (a weekly event in which the British Prime Minister attempts to cleverly answer clever questions from members of Parliament), the following exchange took place between Prime Minister David Cameron, a stated Smiths fan, and a Labour MP.
MP: “As someone who claims to be an avid fan of the Smiths, the Prime Minister will no doubt be rather upset this week that both Morrissey and Johnny Marr have banned him from liking them. The Smiths are, of course, the archetypal students’ band. If [the Prime Minister] wins tomorrow night’s vote [on tuition fees], what songs does he think students will be listening to? “Miserable Lie,” “I Don’t Owe You Anything,” or “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now.”
Cameron: “I accept that if I turned up I probably wouldn’t get “This Charming Man” and if I went with the Foreign Secretary [William Hague] it would probably be “William It Was Really Nothing.”’
We would like to see some congressmen try this with the Bruce Springsteen catalogue.
Cameron turns PMQs into Pop Idol with debate over The Smiths [Daily Mail UK via Awl]