Still mourning the loss of Better Off Ted? We are, too, but here’s some good news: Creator Victor Fresco is hard at work on another project, and if the show lives up to its name, then it’ll be smooth sailing for a six-season run. Vulture has learned that Fresco’s turning his attention from the vicious world of corporate politics to the nearly as dangerous arena of life in suburbia. His new project, dubbed Sunnyside, is a half-hour, single-camera comedy about a dude who moves back to his hometown with his wife in order to raise their kid — and, hopefully, not morph into their parents. Fresco will write and exec produce the potential series for ABC, though unlike Ted, this one’s not completely his own idea.
Sunnyside is actually based on a hit Swedish series called Solsidan, written by Henrik Bastin. If this sounds a bit familiar, maybe that’s because this fall, the network tried (and failed) to import another Swedish hit: The sudsy drama My Generation. Ex-NBC chief Warren Littlefield and Bastin were behind My Generation, and they’re also teaming with Fresco for Sunnyside. Can a new showcase for this guy be far behind?