
The Snooki-JWOWW Spinoff Sounds Intense

Now that Jersey Shore’s headed to Italy, Snooki knew she’d have to up the drama quotient in her own vaguely anticipated spinoff. In order to continuously compete for fame, JWOWW-Snooki’s show would have to be suspenseful! It would have to be dramatic! So here’s the reported narrative arc: “Snooks is finally moving out of her parents’ house and into a place with JWOWW — but she’s unprepared to deal with actual problems. The two have their sights set on a $1.5 million pad, but they don’t know what a mortgage is. Or how to write a check. Conflict erupts because Snooki ‘didn’t change the toilet paper.’ She also ‘ate a ton of JWOWW’s food.’” Okay, so the plot doesn’t sound like much of anything. But! Being able to afford a $1.5 million home without knowing how to write a check? That is the story of the American dream. [TMZ]


The Snooki-JWOWW Spinoff Sounds Intense