In a new profile in The Independent, Jesse Eisenberg said something that was actually not totally self-deprecating: “People recognize me all the time as [Michael Cera]. It’s annoying. I don’t like getting recognized as other people.” (Eisenberg is routinely compared to Cera by industry insiders and publications.) Don’t worry, Eisenberg made up for it with endearingly neurotic sound bites later: “The more people say nice things about me, the more I feel it’s false. Or the more I look for the things that are bad about me, and think those are the real ones. I could overhear somebody say something about me, and it destroys me for a week. Yet I could win an award or hear nice reviews and it feels meaningless. [Winning the National Board of Review prize] was great. But then I immediately found some reason to be miserable again. It’s terrible. I’m able to manipulate things into being bad, which is not a healthy way to live but that’s where I’m at now.” He added that “there has been no change in the type of scripts he has been receiving since The Social Network was released,” and he has not made new friends since the film’s release, either. He had to put in self-effacement overtime after that Cera comment! [Independent UK]