Rosie O’Donnell was the Who Is Arcade Fire??!!? movement’s most famous proponent. But she’s changed her ways! O’Donnell told Extra: “I made a huge error apparently during the Grammys when I had the audacity to [Tweet] ‘Album of the year- Arcade Fire? Um. Never heard of them.’ Not so horrible. But just a fact. I had never heard of them. It’s not like I had heard of them but didn’t know their music. I had never heard those 2 words together. Arcade. Fire. No idea. So I wrote that, then the Arcade Fire fans went insane: ‘Who do you think you are? You’re fat! You’re old. You’re irrelevant. I can’t believe you did that!’ I’m like I didn’t say they suck, I just hadn’t heard them. Now I have downloaded all of their records. All of their CDs. And they are enjoyable. I get it.” She’s still not sure about that 9.7, though … [Hipster Runoff]