Okay, guys, bear with us: We’ve decided to put Glee back into the voting, because — as THATGUYV kindly reminded us — if they’re the impetus for the poll, they should be in the poll. That said, we were so relieved that last night’s Glee did not turn into the long-awaited-wait-not-really reunion between Will and Emma that we decided to honor Will’s duet with Holly Holliday, a tango-ized version of the Prince song “Kiss.” YouTube offered an international sampler of competing renditions: the so-called Burso Orchestra from, we think, Denmark; Altiyan Childs from the Australian X Factor; and jazz vocalist Tony DeSare performing in Tokyo. [Note: Tom Jones was disqualified. We will have no ringers in this fight.]
Watch ‘em below and tell us who’s best … or at least, least bad.