Picture it: clandestine, high-stakes poker games held in luxury hotels all over Hollywood, where armed guards in bulletproof vests man the doors, the buy-in starts at six figures, and A-listers attending include Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and, uh, Welcome Back Kotter star Gabe Kaplan. (Just go with us on that last one.) Though the poker ring was something of an open secret from 2006 to 2009, it’s now the subject of an FBI investigation, since hedge-fund manager Brad Ruderman lost $25 million at the games and the clients whose money he frittered away are suing Maguire and others to get it back. The good news for DiCaprio and Affleck: They’re not the targets of the lawsuit. The bad news: That’s because they never won any games, as opposed to Maguire, who made off with at least $311,300 of Ruderman’s money. Here’s your Rounders sequel, Harvey! [NYP, Radar Online]