Anyone up for board games with Paul Rudd and Jon Hamm? In the new issue of Nylon, Rudd recounts that when he was 18, he played a very crucial game of Trivial Pursuit in order to impress a girl he had a crush on, but he was no match for high school senior Hamm, who happened to be a friend of the family and was “super handsome, really smart, and very good at sports — all of these things that I most certainly was not,” remembers Rudd. “Every question that came up, I had no idea what the fucking answer was. Jon, my arch nemesis, rolled the dice, and the question was, ‘What’s the biggest lake in Africa?’ and he just goes ‘Victoria.’ And I remember feeling so totally emasculated that the next year when I went away to acting school I thought back to that Trivial Pursuit moment and I just felt, Holy shit, now that I’m in acting school I’m never going to learn what the biggest lake in Africa is.” Paul Rudd, still bemoaning his lost pie wedges. [Nylon]