Once upon a time, Tim Burton flirted with making a sequel to Beetlejuice called Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian, but the ill-advised project never got past the scripting stage. Will the same fate befall the latest attempt to sequelize the 1988 comedy? Deadline reports that author Seth Grahame-Smith (who wrote Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter) and producer David Katzenberg (the 28-year-old son of industry mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg) have made a new Beetlejuice movie the priority of their fledgling production company, KatzSmith. Deadline says the film will be a continuation of the original story (à la Tron Legacy?) but not a remake, and while it’s unknown whether Burton will be involved with the project, Grahame-Smith did script his current movie, Dark Shadows. Are you levitating over this news, or does it scare you half to death? [Deadline]