Saturday Night Live vet Colin Quinn has long had a reputation as the comic whom all other stand-ups are friends with, so we’re not quite sure what to make of his current Twitter rant against Will Ferrell (and Quinn’s vigorous retweeting of the Twitter users subsequently calling for his own head). It is possible that it’s all a joke, so we leave it to you to tell us how much you’re laughing at the following diatribe: “Anybody see Will Ferrell at Mark Twain awards last night? Great for him I guess. Not bitter but just … whatever, dude,” Quinn began. “We never really got along at SNL because he took so many of my ideas, but … Will was into a lot of bad drug stuff and I don’t know if he still is. Actually, not true I happen to know he still is very much so. The years I was at SNL Lorne was really kind of messed up over various things and I was the shot caller. And that’s real.” Two hours later, Quinn expressed some faux remorse for the tweets, writing, “Feel bad about the Will Ferrell comments. I’ll never mention him again if he pays me my residuals for the WHOLE ANCHORMAN CONCEPT!” So, um, what? [iamColinQuinn/Twitter]