Earlier today we reported that Joel Edgerton was being offered the lead role of Warner Bros.’ 300: Battle of Artemisia. But we just heard that the studio has actually presented him with two offers: They also want him for a lead in Steven Soderbergh’s The Man From U.N.C.L.E., playing Ilya, David McCallum’s old role.* Edgerton is likely to bite on at least one of these, as after the commercial failures of The Thing and Warrior he needs a surer thing. (We should also mention that in our haste to inform you about the Artemesia offer, we forgot to include Legendary Pictures as the financier of the film. We also described it as a sequel, while it is a prequel.)
* This has post has been corrected to note that our sources just clarified that Bradley Cooper is still weighing the role of Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn’s old part), but is waiting to commit until seeing who WB gets to play the role of Illya. If Edgerton signs on and Cooper approves, the A-Team star may still play Solo.