Much of today’s Bieber analysis will be focused on his latest morning show “freestyle,” which includes a Tim Horton shout-out and a dig at everyone who suggested he might be using a ghostwriter. (“People in their basement said I didn’t even write this.” Zing, Biebz.) Since Vulture has already stated our surprise at his consistently competent rapping, we choose instead to focus on the second Bieber musical event of the day: his remix of Frank Ocean’s “Thinking About You,” featuring one Jaden Smith. Yes, the teen team behind “Never Say Never” has reunited … for an Odd Future–related collaboration. It’s not the most age-appropriate choice for Jaden (and we’re not exactly blown away by his verse, either), but it’s a savvy move for Bieber, who’s clearly trying to shed his tweenybopper rep as fast as he possibly can at this point. Frank Ocean does give him a little bit of cred. Also important: Bieber’s voice actually sounds deep, when compared with the Ocean falsetto. (Has Bieber totally lost his?) This is starting to get a little alarming, frankly. Slow down with the aging, Justin. We need time to process.