Or, as real as an exchange of thinly veiled slights between two emotionally inclined rappers can get in 2012. If you missed the early feuding, it started back in December, when Common confirmed that a few lines from “Sweet” (Specifically: “Some ho-ass n—as … Singing all around me man, la la la … You ain’t muthafucking Frank Sinatra. Uh, lil bitch”) were more or less directed at Drake. Drizzy did a little shit-talking at a concert and on Twitter, but his big response came last Friday, in a verse on Rick Ross’s “Stay Schemin” (The relevant, if not totally explicit, reference: “I just ask that when you see me, you speak up ni—a, that’s all / Don’t be ducking like you never wanted nothing”). Then, this morning, Common debuted an unkind “Stay Schemin” remix and made the whole beef official. It’s on! But is it about Serena Williams, ex-girlfriend to Common and “friend” of Drake, like everyone thought? Sweater Man, please feel free to overshare on the next dis track.