We’re sorry to say that the sad story of Uggie — the wonder-dog from The Artist, mysteriously forced into early retirement — has just gotten a little more tragic. “It’s very sad but he is suffering from a mystery shaking syndrome,” his trainer, Omar Von Muller, told the Daily Mail. “It is a neurological disorder and we’ve spent thousands on vets’ bills trying to figure out what is causing it but the experts don’t really know … It comes and goes and, ironically, it is worse when he’s relaxed.” No solace for poor Uggie! “It is a shame this has happened when he is getting the biggest success of his career but we feel the best thing to do is to retire him,” said Von Muller. Still, expect Uggie to make one last appearance at the Oscars, where he will dramatically rise from his veritable deathbed like Elizabeth Taylor accepting her Academy Award for Butterfield 8.