Lost alumn and Vampire Diaries star Ian Somerhalder said today that he “absolutely would be up for” playing Christian Grey in the film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey. “It could be very, very amazing,” he told Ryan Seacrest. In the book, Grey — a billionaire businessman — is described as having “bright grey eyes” and “dark-copper hair,” a really voracious appetite for elaborate sexual contracting and paperwork, and a soft spot for honorifics, despite an inability to pick “Miss” or “Ms.” for his paramour. Also, sex stuff. Somerhalder almost has the weird, detached affectation of a kinky tycoon, but it seems almost ridiculous to consider anyone other than Michael Fassbender for the role, no? Among natural redheads, only Conan O’Brien seems like he’d be able to give the material the gravitas it deserves. Whom would you cast as the allegedly erotic male lead for Fifty Shades of Grey?