When we previewed this year’s summer movie season for you, we noted that the May 11 matchup of The Dictator and Dark Shadows was likely to change: Once upon a time, The Dictator probably seemed like wise counterprogramming against what was then assumed to be a horror movie, but the Dark Shadows trailer eventually gave Tim Burton’s comedic hand away. And indeed, right on cue, we’ve got a blink from Sacha Baron Cohen’s camp, as The Dictator just scooted to May 16, leaving Dark Shadows alone as the only wide release on its weekend. Will the later date — only two days before Battleship and What to Expect While You’re Expecting — prove more hospitable? Meanwhile, in other release-date news, sci-fi adaptation Ender’s Game dropped back from March 2013 to November 2013, with the Angelina Jolie–starring Maleficent staked out March 14, 2014. Fill out your day planners accordingly.