There’s just no way the mother to Chloë Moretz’s take on Carrie White is going to an actress who hasn’t notably plumbed the depths of onscreen crazy. Enter recent Sarah Palin–portrayer Julianne Moore, earlier rumored alongside Jodie Foster to be one of director Kimberly Peirce’s ideal stars, who is now said to be “speaking closely” to Columbia about the gig. According to BloodyDisgusting, Moore’s already filming an “exorcism fantasy” titled The Seventh Son, so she might as well stick to that wheelhouse (although her recent casting in Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut may unhinge the Carrie plan — it’s being relatively fast-tracked for a March 2013 release date). For those in need of a more concrete update at this time: Peirce wrote on Facebook that she will be modernizing the story and that Moretz has been sewing clothes and “spending time in her closet” to prep for the role.