Before Jennifer Lawrence won the role of Katniss in The Hunger Games, she had a very different 2012 on deck: She was in negotiations to take on the female lead in Oliver Stone’s sex-drugs-and-guns thriller Savages. When Lawrence headed to Panem instead, Blake Lively came onboard, and she stars as “O,” a bleach-blonde California girl in an ongoing ménage à trois with pot growers Taylor Kitsch and Aaron Johnson. When the duo refuses to get in business with drug lord Salma Hayek (giving “Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction” realness), Lively is kidnapped by Benicio Del Toro as collateral, and our super-buff potheads have to arm themselves to get her back. To judge from the trailer, Stone is back to his old tricks, shooting everything with a kinetic camera, bleached-out color, and a variety of film styles. Universal bumped this one into July to bravely do battle with The Amazing Spider-Man on the 6th … will their counterprogramming move pay off?