The last time Vulture spoke to Happy Endings creator David Caspe, he told us how he got into the TV business and whether a live episode of the show might ever happen, among other things. He’s back now to answer our Emmy-timed Showrunner Survey, and the revelations are many. Read on and you’ll discover his youthful love for a certain Showtime soft-porn drama, as well as his current devotion to both The Wire and the Boss.
What’s the first TV show you remember being obsessed with?
Red Shoe Diaries.
Which show would you like to do a crossover event with and why?
The Wire. So that there would be a new episode of The Wire!
If you could bring back any killed-off TV character for just one more episode, who would it be?
Omar. Again, just trying to get one more episode of The Wire going.
Which writers room in all of TV history would you most like to have gotten to sit in on?
The Simpsons.
Do time slots still matter? Explain.
I have no idea. We didn’t do great after Modern Family, so I really wanna say they don’t matter anymore, cause that would mean our ratings weren’t our fault. Otherwise, I’d have to take a real look in the mirror that I don’t think I’m ready for.
Pick one character from your show: Which reality show would (s)he be most suited for, and why?
Jane. Million Dollar Listing. I’ve always thought Jane could be a very cutthroat realtor.
If you had an unlimited music budget, which artist or group would you hire to compose the soundtrack for your show?
Which character do you wish you had created?
Silvio on The Sopranos so that I’d get to meet Steve Van Zandt. And then maybe one night me and him would go meet Springsteen and the rest of the E Street Band for some beers and just, like, jam or whatever. Just spitballing here.
What was the biggest creative misstep you ever saw made by a show you love?
As someone who takes near constant creative missteps, I abstain from this one!
If you could let your kids watch a single episode of your work, which one would it be and why?
I don’t have kids. But if I did, I think we’d be one of those super cool families that don’t have a TV. Those kids seem happy.
Finish this sentence: The hardest thing to pull off on a TV show is …
Everything. And staying thin (the room is full of really great snacks).