New sitcoms that will be very much different from the shows that often get discussed on this site. NBC’s man in charge Robert Greenblatt put it this way: “Those Thursday comedies, which the critics love and we love, tend to be a bit more narrow than we ultimately like as we go forward.” He continued:
“Given what’s happened at the network over the last four or five years, the general decline across the whole week, the loss of circulation, you just can’t get the biggest audience for those shows. They tend to be a little more narrow, a little more sophisticated than you want for a real broad audience.”
Sure, if sophistication is the enemy than a show like Animal Practice is Batman.
We’ll all be able to get to watch these unsophisticated new sitcoms online for two weeks before their unsophisticated TV debuts (save Go On and Animal Practice, which are making super early Olympic-related previews). I look forward to the episode of Guys With Kids when the guys just sit there drinking beer, making fart noises, and watching their kids trip and make funny faces. Greenblatt will describe the episode as, “totes unsoph.”