Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul.” Tim Burton probably once said, “Guys, let’s make his eyes look reallllll weird.” Sure, it stems from his desire to make everything look realllll weird, but it often appears like the man starts with the eyeballs and works his way out. (Hell, he’s actually currently producing a film entitled Big Eyes.) Sometimes this means a little eye shadow; sometimes this means a lot of eye shadow; and sometimes this means things mortal makeup cannot achieve. Sure, Burton has a know-it-when-you-see-it aesthetic, but would you know his characters’ eyes when you see them? In honor of Frankenweenie coming out today, Vulture created the Official Tim Burton Eye Test. Use your eyes below, and see how many you recognize. If you’re stumped, click on the given eye to reveal its owner, and maybe think about seeing more of Tim Burton’s canon.