Back in 2010, word spread that Duncan Sheik would be writing the music for an American Psycho musical. Now we finally have some info on what exactly those Psycho jams will entail. “The music is all electronic,” Sheik tells Gothamist. And he says 20 to 30 percent of the music will be “songs that are either referred to in the book directly, or would have been ubiquitous in that cultural moment.” The rest? “There’s a song where they’re in, like a Barney’s, and it’s called ‘You Are What You Wear,’ there’s a song called ‘Cards,’ and ‘I Am Clean,’ or just ‘Clean.’ And ‘This Is Not An Exit,’ which is probably my favorite that I’ve written, which is the last in the show,” Sheik says. We’re holding out for the anthem “Mergers and Acquisitions.”