last night on late night

Last Night on Late Night: Jeff Bridges Led a Zen Session

Last night, David Letterman and Jay Leno squared off against Jimmy Kimmel at the 11:35 P.M. time slot, with guest appearances from Morrissey (who performed “Action Is My Middle Name”) and Emma Stone (whose New Year’s resolution to dance more was actualized by Jay Leno), respectively. But apart from Kimmel, the golden, dude-rrific glory was helmed by Jeff Bridges on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Co-author of a new book, The Dude and the Zen Master, Bridges took to explaining how The Big Lebowski channels true Zen — “The Dude abides … nowhere, man, and so therefore, he abides everywhere.” Watch our compilation to see what you missed.

Jeff Bridges Led a Zen Session