
Justin Timberlake’s ‘Mirrors’ Video in 7 GIFs

One of the best parts about Justin Timberlake’s “Mirrors” — clocking in at a whopping eight minutes and twenty seconds — is that the accompanying music video has time for both a sweet ode to his grandparents and a fun-house dance interlude where Justin pops, locks, and slides his way around a set of mirrors. It wouldn’t be nouveau Timberlake without some sort of cheesy slow-shoe shuffle, topped off by his retro comb-over and silver-tipped footwear. That’s why we recommend you skip ahead to 5:45 for Justin’s solo performance, or better yet, just go through our handy GIF collection detailing some of his finest moves.

A move hearkening back to former boy-band days?  *palms rise to the universe*

“Girl, I’m looking at you. Yes, you.”

An emotional head turn is the perfect opportunity to show off a perfect hair part.

“This one’s called the Up … ”

“ … And this one’s called the Up Down.”

“Snap for the kids, snap for the kids.”

And last, but by far the cheesiest: Justin works a trench.

Justin Timberlake’s ‘Mirrors’ Video in 7 GIFs