It’s Sunday afternoon — your last chance to read all that stuff you meant to read last week before Monday brings a new deluge of things you will want to read. Below, some of our recommendations:
“Nora Ephron’s Final Act” by Jacob Bernstein (The New York Times Magazine): Ephron’s son on why she kept her terminal illness a secret and sickness’s role in her last play.
“How Disney Bought Lucasfilm — and Its Plans for Star Wars” by Devin Leonard (Bloomberg Businessweek): A play-by-play of Disney CEO Robert Iger’s decision to acquire Star Wars, and George Lucas’s decision to let him.
“Still Abiding After 15 Years: The Laid-Back World of Big Lebowski Worship” by Ashley Fetters (The Atlantic): A look at some of the people who really put the “cult” in this particular cult movie.
“Choking on the Splinters” by Alex Pappademas (Grantland): “Loser” is either twenty years old or slightly older than that. Either way, it’s always a good time to think about Beck.
For more in-depth weekend readings, visit our friends at Longreads.