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Emily Blunt to Sing Better in Into the Woods Than She Did in That Karaoke Video

Emily Blunt attends the 7th Annual
Emily Blunt. Photo: Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images

As far as drunk celebrity videos go, Emily Blunt singing “Total Eclipse of the Heart” with Alison Brie is pretty fantastic. But is it any indication of how Blunt will fare as the Baker’s Wife in the movie version of Into the Woods? Of course not; it was karaoke, people. “It’s horrible!” Blunt told us at a gala hosted by the American Institute for Stuttering this week. “People are like, ‘Well, if you want to hear her sing, this is how she sounds.’ And I’m just going, ‘Yikes!’ I hope people will not give me a hard time about it when the film comes out. I’m not the greatest singer in the room by any means, but I’ll have fun trying.” Blunt stars alongside Jake Gyllenhaal, Johnny Depp, and, of course, Meryl Streep. “I can’t believe I’m playing in two movies with Meryl where she’s playing someone who’s horrible to me,” Blunt says. “I’m so excited.” Us, too! Now let’s rewatch her “Total Eclipse” performance.

Emily Blunt Can’t Live Down that Karaoke Video