Mitch Hurwitz has big plans for the future of Arrested Development. The creator of the beloved series tells Rolling Stone he wants to do a movie next and another season of the show after that. Here’s a quote from Hurwitz:
I’m working on the movie right now. I can’t get into much more detail because I don’t want to scare anybody off. I don’t want to be presumptuous about it. I don’t own the property outright – it’s a 20th Century Fox property. But everybody seems really into it and really eager to make a movie …A TV season is a six-month commitment, but I think it would be very doable to get them together for four or five weeks to make a movie … I’m hoping it happens as soon as possible, but I want to be very careful about not putting out false information. I want to get a time and tell everybody when it’s happening and not play with people. Right now, I’m trying to do something else for Netflix and a movie project and things. I’m always sort of superstitious about talking about this stuff before it happens. It’s the best way to guarantee it doesn’t happen.
Plans are up in the air right now with no official contract signed for a movie or another season of the show, although Netflix is interested. It should be difficult to get the show’s nine busy actors together for a movie, especially considering that it took seven years just to get everyone back for the show, which didn’t feature all of them acting together like the movie will. Hurwitz sums up, “It’s always been its own little thing. I kind of feel like the more it stays original, the better chance it has. As soon as it goes back to trying to do exactly what it was before, you run the risk of doing a reunion show or something.”