In Nicole Holofcener’s Enough Said, we watch a divorced single mom struggle to figure out whether her new love interest’s weird quirks are deal-breakers: Is the fact that he can’t whisper, for example, a foible that will one day drive her insane? Is this a red flag that she’d best not ignore? Oh, dating. At a screening of the movie at the Paris Theatre last night, actress Amanda Peet told us about a relationship red flag that she was willing to overlook — but just barely — when she first started seeing her now husband, Game of Thrones showrunner David Benioff. “He’s going to kill me — but the 25th Hour poster was in his den,” she said. “I think that’s a no-no. I was like, That’s grounds for breaking up.”
It wasn’t the content of the poster that was the problem — we’re betting the fact that Benioff adapted his book into a Spike Lee movie was a turn-on — it was the placement. “You don’t put your own fucking poster in your den,” Peet said. “What kind of douchebag [does that]? And you have no idea how much I love this movie, there’s nothing greater. But can you imagine me making out with him on the date and then, I saw it over his shoulder and I was like, errrrrr, the record stopped.” So how did they get past the Poster Problem? “When the time was right, a little bit later, I told him, ‘You have to take that down,’” Peet said. The poster is now in Benioff’s office. These two have been married for seven years.