emmys 2013

Matt Zoller Seitz Live-Blogs the 2013 Emmys

Will Walter White crush Don Draper? Will 30 Rock win a round of sentimental send-off awards? Or will Modern Family and Big Bang Theory bring home more bagfuls of statuettes? Will I be able to resist devising a fantasy Game of Thrones/Downton Abbey crossover during the slow parts? Hang out with me during tonight’s Emmy telecast as I live-blog the durned thing.

 Matt Zoller Seitz Live-Blogs the 2013 Emmys(09/22/2013) 
Matthew Seitz: 
Well, at least the obligatory pre-taped intro was less painless and shorter than usual.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:09 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Baldwin trying for a poker face, failing. The failing part is why we like him.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:09 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"For every Mad Man, there's a madwoman. For every splash, there's a Smash.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:11 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
@LDP: You wish.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:11 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Jimmy Kimmel schtick happening."Can we get a time out for a second?" .. because there's a good chance they won't ask you back next year."
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:12 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Digging the gym coach last-name bit: Lynch, Harris. But tapdancing still welcome.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:13 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
If Conan starts tap-dancing (he knows how) I'll be happy, if only for a moment. This opening is prolonging the inevitable, as they always do.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:14 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Direct address by Spacey. Accent still weak.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:14 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Poehler and Fey -- funny, but reminding us that they're who many of us really wanted to host this telecast, and every telecast.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:16 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Bryan Cranston, you ageless bastard.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:16 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Outstanding supporting actress in a comedy: Go Jane Krakowski!
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:17 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Merritt Weaver: "Thank you so much. I gotta go. Bye!" Early candidate for acceptance speech of the night.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:19 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Guest: You are correct, sadly, with finality. [Wipes tear away.]
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:21 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
NPH introducing "hip-hop legends LL Cool J and Malin Ackerman."
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:23 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Oustanding comedy writing: Tina Fey, Tracy Wigfield, 30 Rock. "Last Lunch."
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:25 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Wigfield to parents: "I know you're disappointed cuz you love Louis." Fey: "Nobody said you can talk, Tracy."
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:26 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
NPH clucking after making sex slave jokes. Yep.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:27 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Outstanding supporting actor in a comedy representing "all the dads TV has to offer." Accurate.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:27 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Tony Hale, Veep!
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:28 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Very happy for this man. And he looks genuinely overwhelmed. "Oh cow."
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:28 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Thanking Young Actors' Theater in Tallahassee, Fla. Classy & sweet.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:29 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Robin Williams paying tribute to the late Jonathan Winters. "Comedy at the speed of thought." The man without who R. Williams would not exist.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:30 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
I dimly recall seeing Williams and Winters together on 60 Minutes. I can't recall who was officially being profiled. In my memory it was Winters, because that would've been right.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:31 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
At one point Williams shouted, "Egyptian army exercises!" and he and Winters both raised their arms in surrender. If can find that clip anywhere I'll post it.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:32 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Bank of America ad channeling Mad Men's "carousel." Oh, dear. Don Draper would probably approve, though.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:33 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Is nostalgia also the ache from an old idea?
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:33 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
E: Sorry, but I am not allowed to express any particular opinion about having to watch Breaking Bad TWO FRIGGING HOURS AFTER EVERYONE ELSE ON THE EAST COAST.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:34 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Parks and Rec is being shifted into the lead slot that night, so there's your answer.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:35 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Jon Hamm doing a Tom Hanks thing with his eyes. It works.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:37 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Just let Baldwin and Hamm host next year, maybe.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:37 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Best actress in a comedy: here we go.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:38 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Julia Louis-Dreyfus! I am happy. Happy as a little veep.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:38 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Tony Hale onstage = masterstroke.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:38 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Standing there looking concerned and powerless.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:39 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"I love you so much." Great stuff.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:39 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Margo Martindale and Will Arnett and his tan presenting Guest Actor and Actress in a comedy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:40 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Bob Newhart and Melissa Leo won, BTW. Leo: "Shout out to Elaine Stritch." Uh-oh.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:42 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Outstanding comedy direction: Gail Mancuso, Modern Family. Only the second time a woman has won in this category.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:44 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"Laughter is actually terrible medicine." Pretty good for rote banter.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:46 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Oustanding actor in a comedy: Go Jason Bateman!
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:47 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Jim Parsons AGAIN.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:47 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Is Modern Family in danger of being resented since its gone downhill comedic ally every year since the first season or is it simply that there's more deserving shows on now?
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:48 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
"In danger"? I think it's already resented, by everyone who's not affiliated with the show.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:48 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
In memoriam montage coming up. Will they mute the applause?
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:49 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Resented? Didn't Modern Family just win best director?
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:49 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Oh, maybe not right now -- just Rob Reiner paying tribute to Jean Stapleton, and recounting her character's death in a 1980 episode.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:50 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"He had no right to leave me that way without giving me one more chance to say I love you." Archie to Edith, quoted by "Meathead" in 2013.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:51 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From EE: ] 
In memoriam should include each of the networks' logos, from what I'm hearing about the quality of this fall's lineups
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:51 E
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Between Krakowski's loss and NPH in less-than-fine form, I am in a foul mood. Emmys, you are losing me.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:51 Guest
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
UGH People need to GET OVER Big Bang Theory
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:51 Guest
[Comment From LalaLala: ] 
I always see best director as a reflection of the director, not the show. Most shows have a revolving door of directors, no?
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:51 Lala
Matthew Seitz: 
Lala: It's both. But some directors are more well-liked or respected than others.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:52 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From AllisonAllison: ] 
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:52 Allison
[Comment From JanieJanie: ] 
I haven't watched MF since S1. The show had such a precipitous drop.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:52 Janie
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Melisa Leo dressed even worst that Zosia Mamet, which is a mean-but-true thing to say.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:52 Guest
[Comment From MchzMchz: ] 
If MF wins best comedy this year I will riot in the streets.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:52 Mchz
Matthew Seitz: 
Mchz: Trying to picture a one-person riot.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:53 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From SPJavaSPJava: ] 
I'm completly thrilled that Merritt Weaver won She is amazing on Nurse Jackie and has gotten better every season.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:53 SPJava
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
I'll never forget you, Rural Juror.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:53 Guest
[Comment From RaineriRRCRaineriRRC: ] 
It is not gonna be just one person...
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:54 RaineriRRC
[Comment From BaxterBaxter: ] 
Wins started off strong and inspired, but jeez did they get bad and boring FAST
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:54 Baxter
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Melissa Leo will obviously not make best-dressed list, but she is an amazing actress. Which reminds me, why no nominations for the excellent "Treme"?
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:54 Guest
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
I think the commentator called it "Rural Janitor".
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:54 Guest
[Comment From JanJan: ] 
I'll join you Mchz
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:54 Jan
[Comment From AnnaAnna: ] 
With the quality on TV these days, its almost time to really be happy with "its an honor just to be nominated." There is too much good work out there. Poehler may have been robbed, but JLD is also so perfect and wonderful at what she does on Veep.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:54 Anna
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Only on the Emmys do they pair Shemar Moore with Bob Newhart and let Moore do all the talking.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:54 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
That's Newhart's thing, though, and has been since the early 60s.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:55 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JenJen: ] 
Am I missing something? What is the deal about Jim Parsons. I just don't get it.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:55 Jen
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Out for BrBa be back in 75 minutes
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:55 Guest
[Comment From JanieJanie: ] 
Treme is ignored as Simon's other show, The Wire. However, I'm trying to remember when Treme aired and if it fit into the confines of the Academy requirements
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:56 Janie
[Comment From SmapdiSmapdi: ] 
Am I the only person sad that Michael Douglas and Matt Damon didn't come out in costume?
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:56 Smapdi
Matthew Seitz: 
Matt Damon and Michael Douglas paying tribute to Liberace...no, wait, Elton John.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:56 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From SPJavaSPJava: ] 
The Emmys seem like they will never get tired of Jim Parsons, who I love. Its like a rut the get in w/ Candy Bergen, John Laraquette, Micheal J. Fox, Michale Richars, etc.. all great perfomers and characters but someone has to tell Emmy voters MOVE ON!
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:56 SPJava
[Comment From JLJL: ] 
Yeah, NPH seems really down or tired tonight.Poor guy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:56 JL
[Comment From ChelseaChelsea: ] 
Big Bang Theory is comedy for people who don't like comedy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:57 Chelsea
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
MIchael Douglas looks good
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:57 Guest
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
They didn't want to show up Elton, Smapdi!
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:57 Guest
[Comment From SmapdiSmapdi: ] 
Saw Elton John in Vegas a few years ago. While he didn't have a candelabra, he did have giant inflatable boobs. Take that Liberace!
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:58 Smapdi
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Elton looks really good!
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:58 Guest
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Elton John. Respect.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:58 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
I wish he'd dedicated "Going Home" to his brother George.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:59 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
Can you make this a dual BB/Emmys live blog now? ;-)
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:59 Jerry
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
If I were invited to this event, I would've wear some Liberace jewellery.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:59 Guest
[Comment From MollyMolly: ] 
I wish we could get numbers on the amount of people that just switched from Emmys to BrBa.
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:59 Molly
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Lovely tribute by Rob Reiner
Sunday September 22, 2013 8:59 Guest
[Comment From SPJavaSPJava: ] 
Parson's has great timing, does exquisite deadpan and has made an obnoxious character with an over-inflated ego somewhat lovable. At least to most...
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:01 SPJava
[Comment From jaijai: ] 
Elton's either lost his higher range or he's got a cold.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:01 jai
[Comment From guestguest: ] 
What is written on the back of his jacket?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:01 guest
[Comment From SPJavaSPJava: ] 
I'm in agreement with Adam Klugman, how his Fater, Jack Klugman doesn't rate a solo rememberence is beyond me.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:01 SPJava
Matthew Seitz: 
SPJava: I object to the notion of solo remembrances in general. On shows like these they always feel a bit arbitrary and kind of insulting to everyone not considered important enough to merit a solo tribute -- not to mention those who weren't deemed important enough to be mentioned at all.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:02 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Everybody switching over to Breaking Bad, my heart goes with you.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:03 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Outstanding actress in a miniseries or movie: Moss, Mirren or Lange would please me.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:04 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
But hey, Laura Linney...The Big C.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:05 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From KDDCKDDC: ] 
All those watching BB, please no spoilers on the Emmy feed!
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:09 KDDC
[Comment From LalaLala: ] 
Explaining to my mom why Political Animals, AHS, etc. are in the Miniseries category. Her eyes glazed over immediately.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:09 Lala
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
now i'm REALLY hoping lizzie moss wins for mad men. not that it matters
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:09 Guest
[Comment From mtxmtx: ] 
this HIMYM NPH hosting thing is cute
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:11 mtx
Matthew Seitz: 
In Extreme Hosting Disease fake infomercial, Jason Segal describes NPH "hosting himself" and then texting pictures of his microphone to complete strangers. This would be funnier if it had aired at the top of the show, though the Ryan Seacrest line was pretty good.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:12 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Connie Britton seeming a big glassy-eyed introducing Best Drama writing category. Ah, Breaking Bad, you elusive show on another channel.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:14 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Henry Bromell, the late great writer who made his bones on Homicide, wins. And it was a great episode: "Q&A." That season's best by far.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:14 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Best supporting actress in a drama: tough, tough category. But holy Skyler, Anna Gunn wins! Her second nomination, first win.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:15 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Anna Gunn, understandably overwhelmed, running over and having to blow through the second half of her speech.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:17 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From BBBB: ] 
Anna Gunn!! Take that, haters.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:17 BB
Matthew Seitz: 
Cory Monteith solo tribute, by Jane Lynch. "Open hearted quality" was "no act," she says. Mentions his addiction, as one supposes she had to. He was "worthy of your love."
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:18 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Ah, yes, the obligatory "We're bored, too" number.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:26 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From LalaLala: ] 
Wonder if NPH ever feels dirty after these things.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:26 Lala
[Comment From AllisonAllison: ] 
Ann Gunn: the first NYT op-ed columnist to win an Emmy?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:27 Allison
Matthew Seitz: 
Allison: Very possibly. Though I heard somewhere that Thomas Friedman ghostwrote the 30 Rock episode set on the West Bank.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:27 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
the emmys - cut off anna gunn's speech for a dance number
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:28 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Was that a save, or a badly written fake save?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:29 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Reality show goes to The Voice.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:29 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
I am sure that the folks whose loved ones were dropped from the "In Memoriam" spot due to time were especially impressed by the dance number.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:30 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Mark Burnett's tux made of the same material as this napkin I just used to clean my computer screen.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:30 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From KDDCKDDC: ] 
Thank God the voice was finally recognized
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:30 KDDC
[Comment From KDDCKDDC: ] 
Thank God the voice was finally recognized
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:32 KDDC
[Comment From DD: ] 
so true he post it twice!
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:34 D
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
Gawd, I'm being such the stereotype of the modern information overload multitasker. The DVR is going nuts recording the EMMYs and BB, while I watch BB and also follow this blog on my Mac. Thank god I've somehow pulled myself away from my iPhone, iPad and Surface RT (yes, I have one for some reason).
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:35 Jerry
[Comment From Brooke M.Brooke M.: ] 
It's a crime that RuPaul's Drag Race wasn't nominated for Best Reality Show.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:35 Brooke M.
[Comment From BaxterBaxter: ] 
Oh my god they just brought out the two black women together
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:35 Baxter
Matthew Seitz: 
There's historical significance. Diahann Carroll, first African-American Emmy nominee, male or female, standing next to Kerry Washington, who's up for Scandal. Nice polite reality check happening here.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:37 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Best supporting actor in a drama: Go Banks.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:38 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Bobby Cannavale? Arrghhhhhhh. Uhghghghgh. Hrrrrghhhhhg. [Passes kidney stone.] Dammit. I mean, he seems perfectly nice. But even he seems surprised to be here.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:39 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From SPJavaSPJava: ] 
I had a "Julia" lunch box when I was a little girl. Diahann Carroll was one of my first TV idols.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:39 SPJava
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
It's nice to know someone can recover from being the "funky spunk" guy and win an Emmy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:39 Guest
[Comment From horohoro: ] 
Banks giving a very Mike Ehrmantraut look.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:40 horo
Matthew Seitz: 
Julianna Margulies and Dylan McDermott reading outstanding lead actor in a drama. Go Hamm, though if anybody else wins, yay anyway. Especially Cranston.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:41 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Jeff Daniels, HOLY CRAP. What? What just happened? What happened? What just happened?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:41 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"Well, crap, didn't expect this," Daniels says, echoing me and everyone watching. He's funny, at least.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:41 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From horohoro: ] 
Jeff Daniels? Really? Really?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:42 horo
[Comment From MchzMchz: ] 
Jeff Daniels is chewing gum. WHAT
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:42 Mchz
Matthew Seitz: 
Play him off, keyboard cat.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:42 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:42 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
We've reached the point of the evening where we all are asked to take a moment to contemplate the amazing awesomeness of television itself. JFK and the Beatles. What do they have in common? Why, they were both on television.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:45 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From PidgePidge: ] 
I guess Will MacAvoy is the Danger. Somewhere Christopher HItchens yells from the Void "I told you there was no God!"
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:45 Pidge
[Comment From LoriLori: ] 
FIrst Cannavale, then Daniels. What the hell is happening?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:45 Lori
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
at least their following up the weirdest win of the night with an equally weird commemoration..
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:45 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Carrie Underwood pouring syrup on "Yesterday." If they cut to JFK during "Why {s}he had to go" I'll throw up a little.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:46 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
And they didn't. Thank Jeebus.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:46 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From BBBB: ] 
These Awards aren't about music....I'm very confused.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:47 BB
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
And now this? Is this an alternate universe Emmy telecast?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:47 JHawk12
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
The votes were split (Banks and Paul, Hamm and Cranston), and I wish there were a way to work around that, because CLEARLY Jeff Daniels, while great, was not the overall popular choice.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:47 Guest
[Comment From LalaLala: ] 
Bewildered. Utterly bewildered.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:47 Lala
[Comment From HeatherHeather: ] 
this ceremony has imploded under the weight of boomer nostalgia
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:48 Heather
[Comment From horohoro: ] 
I was expecting to see Frank Underwood on stage, not Carrie.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:48 horo
Matthew Seitz: 
What is this Oscar Mayer commercial doing here, and why does the music sound like RUSHMORE? What the hell is happening?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:49 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From mjmj: ] 
well i'm thrilled beyond words...breaking bad is overrated and jon hamm isn't a great actor. daniels makes the newsroom watchable. nice to see him get credit for it.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:49 mj
[Comment From JenJen: ] 
I am so confused. So that wasn't the in memorium segment? Just to show us stuff that television has already shown us on television? Have we been incepted?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:49 Jen
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
I wonder if bloggers, in recapping this tomorrow, will comment that after Dr. Horrible did a mid-show musical montage with Captain Hammer, sh!t got weird
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:49 JHawk12
[Comment From TripTrip: ] 
ANOTHER non-sequitur musical number?!? No time for acknowledging Jack Klugman or Larry Hagman...unbelievable!
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:49 Trip
Matthew Seitz: 
That guy in the iPhone 5 commercial is not Alex Karpovsky but looks just enough like him that it's freaking me out.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:50 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Still processing the fact that Jeff Daniels has an Emmy and Jon Hamm doesn't.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:50 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JTJT: ] 
Cloris Leachman has eight more Emmys than Jon Hamm.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:51 JT
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
You & me both
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:51 Guest
[Comment From CollinsCollins: ] 
after watching NPH's brilliant Tony hosting performance, this is just sad... and i mean literally sad because apparently we're not allowed to feel any other emotion
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:51 Collins
Matthew Seitz: 
There's an alternate universe in which the right people won.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:51 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From BaxterBaxter: ] 
Jeff Daniels is a stupidly underrated actor, so any recognition, even for blech, is fine by me
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:52 Baxter
[Comment From LalaLala: ] 
Does this Night of Weird make it okay for me to be desperately rooting for Kerry Wash to win?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:52 Lala
Matthew Seitz: 
I can't wait for the Emmys to come back so I can spend some time thinking about Gary David Goldberg.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:53 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
My favorite part of the Emmy telecast so far was, uh....Er....I got nothin'.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:53 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Ok--now I will get behind the odd-seeming mid-season split for Mad Men. Cranston has one more chance to win; Hamm should have two.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:53 JHawk12
[Comment From MayMay: ] 
The only way they can save this for me is by giving the Emmy to Julianna.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:53 May
[Comment From AshAsh: ] 
OMG that guy awkwardly sliding away from NPH...I died.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:53 Ash
Matthew Seitz: 
Jimmy Fallon, please don't sing. You'll only add time to the broadcast.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:54 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
The sinking mic shtick only a mild improvement. Go Vera Farmiga as best drama actress!
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:55 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Claire Danes again. Eye roll.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:56 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
What would Angela say if she could see this?
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:56 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Her voice over would be incredulous yet sensitive, and vaguely Salinger-esque.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:56 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Angela Chase picked that dress
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:56 JHawk12
[Comment From RandiRandi: ] 
Claire would benefit from a visit to Victorias Secret!! Well deserved win
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:56 Randi
Matthew Seitz: 
Damian Lewis bald, bald, bald. For some other role? Wonder if he'll survive the season. Smart money says no.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:57 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Homeland smooth jazz saxophone bugging me tonight.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:57 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
And Yesterday is only 48 years old...why not sing Help??? These are the WTH Emmys!
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:57 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Dean Norris grabs Jeff Daniels and beats the Emmy out of him.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:58 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Best director in a drama. Hearing Martin Scorsese, Walter Hill and J.J. Abrams in the same sentence weirded me out. Go Michelle MacLaren.
Sunday September 22, 2013 9:59 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
David Fincher, of course. Because all the voters want to work with him. He didn't show up.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:00 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From horohoro: ] 
Khalessee should've unsullied all those poor other actors who lose their award to Jeff Daniels.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:00 horo
[Comment From KDDCKDDC: ] 
NPH disrespects ASAC Schrader by pronouncing his last name wrong
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:00 KDDC
Matthew Seitz: 
Bob Newhart gets a standing O, as well he should.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:01 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Variety writing: Daughter watching with me says, "Only one woman writes for The Colbert Report? Are you kidding me?"
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:03 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Hysterical bill maher intro
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:04 Guest
[Comment From LalaLala: ] 
They should let the writing nominees be in charge of the Emmy telecast from now on.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:04 Lala
[Comment From LalaLala: ] 
Your daughter and I said the same thing.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:04 Lala
Matthew Seitz: 
And Colbert wins.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:05 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
People onstage taking pictures of themselves getting an Emmy. I think the entire species just disappeared into its own posterior.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:06 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From MayMay: ] 
I can't wait for his next portrait showing off his Emmy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:06 May
[Comment From HeatherHeather: ] 
Colbert is a flawless human being so this is also good.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:06 Heather
Matthew Seitz: 
Don Roy King wins for directing Saturday Night Live IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE I AM WATCHING BREAKING BAD
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:07 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
RE: taking pics onstage ... I have a T-shirt with a design that says "ALIENATION." Under the letters are tons of aliens using phones, tablets, laptops, earbuds, etc. ... ignoring everyone around them. Yay, modern culture. Ugh.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:07 Jerry
[Comment From NixNix: ] 
I feel you M. Seitz!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:07 Nix
Matthew Seitz: 
They're saving Gandolfini for last, right?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:08 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
MJ Fox paying tribute to Family Ties creator Gary David Goldberg, and totally making you feel actual feelings, as he tends to do. Love that guy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:09 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From AsyaAsya: ] 
LOVE Michael J. Fox. He could read the phone book and I'd watch.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:09 Asya
[Comment From HogenHogen: ] 
Can they do anything to make you happy Matt?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:09 Hogen
Matthew Seitz: 
They could send somebody through the television to personally explain why Jonathan Banks lost.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:09 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Jonathan Banks is out in the parking lot right now screwing a silencer onto the barrel of a pistol.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:10 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Jonathan Banks mugs Jeff Daniels at the after party, gives the statuette to Cranston. Cranston gives it to Jon Hamm cuz he knows he's winning next year anyway.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:11 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JamesJames: ] 
This entire Emmys is a half measure.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:11 James
[Comment From TigerTiger: ] 
Maybe the Emmys could have a spinoff: "The Emmys: Our Dearly Departed".
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:11 Tiger
[Comment From MayMay: ] 
"Shut the fuck up. Let me die in peace." How could they not give it to him? I'm still in denial.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:11 May
[Comment From JanieJanie: ] 
I agree with Matt. I'm bewildered. I have no words. I can't wait to watch BB. It will wash the taste out of my mouth.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:11 Janie
Matthew Seitz: 
Daughter: "Are there always this many dead people to pay tribute to? Is this an unusual year?" Not for death, but maybe for the acknowledgment of it on the Emmys.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:12 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From SmapdiSmapdi: ] 
I need a Silkwood type post-radiation shower to get tonight's Emmys stink off me
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:12 Smapdi
Matthew Seitz: 
This "reality show" choreography thing would be cute and fun if it were happening at the top of the show, or in another universe where I'm not missing BREAKING BAD.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:15 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
And that's the end of BB, I can start up the EMMYs now. Thanks for keeping us up to date through that, Matt.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:16 Jerry
Matthew Seitz: 
Thanks, Jerry, Matt typed, weeping softly.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:16 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
This is meant to be a parody of terrible awards show choreography ideas, I hope.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:17 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
We're verging on 1988 Snow White/Rob Lowe/Oscars levels of badness here.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:17 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GlengoolieBlueGlengoolieBlue: ] 
These dance routines are when I really want to see audience reactions.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:17 GlengoolieBlue
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Surprise! The fake Emmys on the wall are for the people who actually deserved them.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:17 JHawk12
Matthew Seitz: 
Breaking Bad number better end with the choreographers being lowered into barrels of acid.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:18 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
It's as if Glee ingested the Emmys and then threw it up.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:18 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
I love dancing. Know what I love more than dancing? Listening to winners' acceptance speeches in their entirety
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:18 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
This number is weirder than almost anything on American Horror Story.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:19 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, I will pour gasoline on myself and light a match." No, wait, sorry that was Daffy Duck.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:20 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
I feel like Heidi Klum should be carrying a riding crop.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:20 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GrahamGraham: ] 
I wish Plemons would come to my house and take me out with a gun. There should be no witnesses to this crime against TV.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:20 Graham
Matthew Seitz: 
It would be great if they could just do an hour of musical numbers while I bash my face against this table.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:21 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
This makes an excellent case for old-fashioned awards shows...where awards are read, assembly-line style, and stars come and get them.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:21 JHawk12
[Comment From epfepf: ] 
Those dance numbers were amazing!! What a great addition to the Emmy's and a great play on NPH's strengths as a performer
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:21 epf
Matthew Seitz: 
"We all crave variety, especially outstanding variety," says Alyson Hannigan, making a rather dry sentence sound quite salacious.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:22 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
The Colbert Report wins for variety show.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:23 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Happy for Colbert. This will make all the news recaps, primarily because it's plausible
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:23 JHawk12
Matthew Seitz: 
Colbert is, as you may have heard, a genuinely decent and kind man.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:24 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Not that such things matter in context of judging art and entertainment, but I thought you all might want to know it anyway.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:24 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Gandolfini tribute now. Waterworks.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:25 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"If you needed anything at all, ever, Jim was there to take care of it before you even had a chance to ask." Edie Falco. Speaking truth.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:26 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
I suspect we will never not miss Gandolfini.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:26 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JonJon: ] 
Colbert had a great year, but if the Daily Show ever deserved to win (and clearly they did for almost a decade in a row) this was when. They managed to switch hosts for a few months without any drop in quality. Super impressive.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:26 Jon
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
I can't wait to see "Enough Said." Holofcener has never let me down with any of her films.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:26 Jerry
[Comment From SPJavaSPJava: ] 
Gandolfini's untimely passing is probably what started the Emmy folks thinking of a sols tribute and then they piled on the rest. They should have started and stop with Jimmy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:27 SPJava
Matthew Seitz: 
I once saw Gandolfini on a Sopranos set tie the shoes of some crewmember's young son, who was visiting. Just casually. Like it was the sort of thing any guy would do.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:28 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"Vy-vacious women". Shemar Moore.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:29 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
There should be a huge cartoon chunk of cheese in the corner of the screen whenever Shemar Moore is speaking.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:30 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From MayMay: ] 
Is there a way we can make them stop doing this separate tributes? Is this their new thing?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:30 May
Matthew Seitz: 
I feel like this might be the last year they do that. Another commenter's theory about them maybe just wanting to do a segment on Gandoflni but feeling guilty and adding others seems plausible to me, though of course I would have no way of knowing.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:31 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JTJT: ] 
Do I want to live in a world where Elizabeth Moss can lose TWICE in one night?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:31 JT
Matthew Seitz: 
Yes, because of rainbows, ice cream and Breaking Bad.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:32 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
"The stars of Mom" to present miniseries or movie. Allison Janney and Ana Faris -- who seems to be turning into 1998 Drew Barrymore.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:32 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From AllisonAllison: ] 
don't forget puppies and kittens too
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:33 Allison
[Comment From SVSV: ] 
I KNOW JT! I thought she would win for Top of the Lake!! Loved it.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:33 SV
Matthew Seitz: 
Abby Morgan wins best actress for The Hour. Cool.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:33 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JenJen: ] 
So this has also felt like a giant commercial for all of CBS' shows. I hope the celebrities talking up their shows feel ashamed.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:34 Jen
Matthew Seitz: 
Every network that hosts the Emmy does that, though. Not to excuse it....just saying.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:34 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Oustanding supporting actor in miniseries or movie....go James Cromwell!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:35 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Abby Morgan just won for writing, not acting. Sorry, getting a little punchy here....and Cromwell just won, hooray. Nice trivia about him being the only actor to utter the words "star trek" on STAR TREK.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:35 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From HeatherHeather: ] 
THAT's the fact about James Cromwell you pick? That he was the first person to say Star Trek on Star Trek?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:36 Heather
Matthew Seitz: 
Daughter says of Cromwell: "Nice adjectives."
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:36 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
What a joke of a show, which announces at 1 point that it's celebrating the fact that TV has reached its ultimate creative point ever, surpassing films, literature, etc. So mid-way thru, Best Actor in a Drama--in some ways the most pivotal category in this anti-hero-defined Golden Era--goes to Jeff Daniels!!! A worthy actor but not one identified with two characters and amazing performers who define this new Golden era--Don Draper (Jon Hamm) and Walter White (Bryan Cranston). Then we get the dreadful choreographer category, with bad contrived dance numbers, and the award announced by--Heidi Klum?! Who arranged this show? Heidi Klum, and her femi-bot shtick, is the follow-up to what should be the highlight of the show, dedicated to TV's ascendance on the cultural landscape?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:36 Guest
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Loving the hard time that the orchestra has with the AHS theme
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:37 JHawk12
Matthew Seitz: 
Kevin Spacey speaking for all of us, batting what might be his parking stub at the camera.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:37 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
I think that was his speech to be honest.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:38 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Anybody who spoils Breaking Bad in the comment moderation queue will be banned from commenting on Vulture for life, by IP address, so don't even think about it.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:39 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From readheadreadhead: ] 
This is the problem with multiple "special" tributes. When you come to the general In Memoriam they seem like also-rans.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:39 readhead
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
But Matt, what about spoiling the Dexter finale?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:39 JHawk12
Matthew Seitz: 
Clap for Russell Means, you barbarians.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:40 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
OMG. I miss Charles Durning already. Coen movies will never be the same without him.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:41 Jerry
[Comment From DiDi: ] 
The clapping makes this a sick competition
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:41 Di
Matthew Seitz: 
Yeah, mute the applause, Emmys, come on. This is not rocket science.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:41 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From tigertiger: ] 
I think that the person who receives the loudest applause gets a solo gig after the next commercial
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:41 tiger
Matthew Seitz: 
They should just make the In Memoriam a contest and have an applause meter at the bottom of the screen. Winner's family gets SAG minimum for a talk show appearance.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:43 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From lisarowelisarowe: ] 
Matt! How come Vulture hasn't done any reviews of Masters of Sex?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:43 lisarowe
Matthew Seitz: 
It premieres next Sunday.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:44 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From Martha RossMartha Ross: ] 
Matt, are you gonna do the Breaking Bad recap tonight AFTER covering the Emmys?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:44 Martha Ross
Matthew Seitz: 
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:44 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From Martha RossMartha Ross: ] 
Wow! That's courage and stamina.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:45 Martha Ross
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
I feel like I'm cheating on you, Matt. I keep hitting 'refresh' over at AV club so I have a chance to emotionally prepare myself for tonight's BrBa
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:45 JHawk12
Matthew Seitz: 
Best Directing in miniseries, movie or dramatic special. Just give it to Soderbergh, shave a minute off the telecast.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:47 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:47 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From HeatherHeather: ] 
Should be Campion.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:47 Heather
Matthew Seitz: 
Campion did a great job, but Candelabra was one of the greatest movies of Soderbergh's career. Top five for sure.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:48 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From Martha RossMartha Ross: ] 
Agree: Behind the Candleabra was wonderful. And the show could shave off a lot of its three hours, like any bloated awards show, by doing away with the contrived dance numbers.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:48 Martha Ross
[Comment From horohoro: ] 
Go Sarah Paulson! Go Lana Banana!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:48 horo
Matthew Seitz: 
Actress in a miniseries, movie or special goes to Ellen Burstyn! I didn't care for the show or her character, but her acting was great. It almost always is.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:49 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
Ellen! huzzah!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:49 Jerry
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Soderbergh does deserve it
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:49 JHawk12
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
she's wonderful - even though haven't seen this show
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:49 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Ellen Burstyn thanking Political Animals creator Greg Berlanti for "writing a woman over sixty-five who still had a lot of juice."
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From MirandaMiranda: ] 
Just give the next award to Michael Douglas please and thank you.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 Miranda
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Ok, admittedly more than a little late in stating this, but am I the only one who thought that the 1st NPH number (in the 'middle of the show') added an albeit too-little bit of pep to what has been quite a lackluster show.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 Guest
[Comment From SPJavaSPJava: ] 
Ellen Burstyn is one of the ALL time Great Actresses!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 SPJava
[Comment From TInaTIna: ] 
So many Bakula shots! Miss men of a certain age!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 TIna
Matthew Seitz: 
You and me both, Tina.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From Diane GayleDiane Gayle: ] 
Maybe I’m having a bad day because this is the most boring Emmys ever!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 Diane Gayle
Matthew Seitz: 
The two things are not mutually exclusive.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:50 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From Martha RossMartha Ross: ] 
Agree that "Candleabra" was one of Soderbergh's great "movies." Thought it was going to be a movie-of-the-week biopic, and was just engrossed in how smart, compassionate, and entertaining it was. And Michael Douglas was not Michael Douglas doing Liberace. He WAS Liberace. A truly great performance.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:51 Martha Ross
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Then I guess I am as well, DG
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:51 Guest
[Comment From BaxterBaxter: ] 
Best part of Burstyn's speech was her making fun of Emmys for nominating her for her 14-second performance Mrs. Harris
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:51 Baxter
[Comment From ShannonShannon: ] 
I'm mad myself for going to watch Breaking Bad and then saying "Nah, I'll just watch it when they play it again"
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:51 Shannon
Matthew Seitz: 
You did that? Oh, my goodness.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:52 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From ParkerParker: ] 
@Martha - No, he was just doing Liberace. That's what acting is.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:52 Parker
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
I still think Soderbergh's best is "The Limey." Second is "Out of Sight." "Behind the Candelabra" has got to be third.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:53 Jerry
[Comment From KDDCKDDC: ] 
Matt, can you do a live blog of BB after this show of horrors is over?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:53 KDDC
[Comment From Diane GayleDiane Gayle: ] 
Well, Mat, all day I was looking forward to this dreck...
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:53 Diane Gayle
Matthew Seitz: 
KDDC: No, I need to watch & really savor it. It's my reward.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:54 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From DaynaDayna: ] 
Matt, do you have to write an Emmys recap AND a BrBa recap tonight? I feel like sending you some coffee if that's the case. (or liquor - whatever's more productive)
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:54 Dayna
Matthew Seitz: 
I'm a night owl. I'll be fine. Thanks for your concern, though!
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:54 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
I should have stopped when Tony Hale won and I was ahead
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:54 Guest
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
Tony Hale's and Anna Gunn's wins are the highlights of the night for me so far.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:55 Jerry
Matthew Seitz: 
Bryan Cranston and Claire Danes---orchestra mixes two shows' theme songs. Weird.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:55 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From MJMJ: ] 
It was funny for the 45 seconds Amy Poehler and Tina Fey hosted.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:56 MJ
Matthew Seitz: 
Benedict Cumberbatch's name will never not make me grin.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:56 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Al Pacino's performance was half-wig.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:56 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Michael Douglas wins, of course, and hooray for him, because he was brilliant. Top five for him, too. Everybody involved with that movie should be proud.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:56 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JanieJanie: ] 
Deserved for Douglas
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:57 Janie
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
Matt: There's a name generator online somewhere that gives you your Benedict Cumberbatch name. It's hilarious. I wish I could remember the URL.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:57 Jerry
[Comment From VickyVicky: ] 
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:57 Vicky
Matthew Seitz: 
"This as a two-hander, and you're only as good as your other hand." Second best line of the night. "You want the bottom or the top"? Even better.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:58 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From Martha RossMartha Ross: ] 
Also, the Michael Douglas/Matt Damon/Elton John attempt at a tribute to Liberace was rather "interesting." Considering that the Douglas/Damon/Soderbergh/Behind the Candleabra biopic--though wonderful and brilliant--didn't always present Liberace in the most complimentary light. He was a great showman and pianist, but also a manipulative prick (literally) who made very destructive choices...
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:58 Martha Ross
[Comment From horohoro: ] 
I love Michael Douglas getting this award. I'm not loving the homophobic jokes, though.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:58 horo
[Comment From MirandaMiranda: ] 
Funniest moment of the night goes to Michael Douglas. Matt Damon is totally a bottom.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:58 Miranda
Matthew Seitz: 
Michael Douglas hoping that "they'll be able to let me see" his son Cameron soon. Oy.
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:59 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From SeanSean: ] 
Is it just me or does Cranston seem pissed?
Sunday September 22, 2013 10:59 Sean
Matthew Seitz: 
Miniseries or movie goes to....Behind the Candelabra, of course, and hooray, though what a formidable lineup.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:00 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
Sean: Cranston deserves to be pissed. But he will kill them all next year as the one who knocks over everyone else at the 2014 EMMYs.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:00 Jerry
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
You just lost your emmy to Harry from Dumb and Dumber, wouldn't you be?
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:00 Guest
[Comment From KatKat: ] 
That lady looks so pissed
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:01 Kat
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Such a great year for Miniseries/Movies. Lots of tough choices
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:01 JHawk12
[Comment From EE: ] 
A Lifetime-quality film with an A-list cast
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:01 E
Matthew Seitz: 
Lifetime would never air anything that honest.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:01 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
They aren't cutting much to Cranston OR Hamm. Legit pain is hard to mask, even for TV
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:01 JHawk12
[Comment From AndyAndy: ] 
"Ladies and gentlemen, to present the final awards of the night, Will Fe-" T-SHIRT AND KIDS NONONONONONONO
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:05 Andy
[Comment From JerryJerry: ] 
Are those his kids? They're adorbs.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:05 Jerry
[Comment From Martha RossMartha Ross: ] 
As much as I disagree with the Jeff Daniels win, he is a fine actor. As he himself pointed out in his speech, he won an award for The Squid and the Whale, a 2005 film. I happen to think his performance in that was Oscar worthy. But in this category, tonight, against Bryan Cranston??? Remember Cranston was nominated for the first half of Season 5... If he doesn't win for the latest seasons--among the greatest performance in any TV or film production--he will be robbed.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:05 Martha Ross
Matthew Seitz: 
Pick up the pace a little, Will Ferrell.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:06 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
OK, best comedy, here we go.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:06 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Louie win could save the night.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:06 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:06 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
oh gawd... AGAIN? Why doesn't The Middle get any love?
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:07 Guest
[Comment From Aglaia761Aglaia761: ] 
Enough Already with Modern Family
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:07 Aglaia761
[Comment From Martha RossMartha Ross: ] 
What? Modern Family? Didn't it have a middling season?
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:07 Martha Ross
Matthew Seitz: 
"We have the deepest respect for our co-nominees," doesn't take the sting out of it, for anybody.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:07 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From JHawk12JHawk12: ] 
Tina Fey should be pissed. So should Louis CK
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:08 JHawk12
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
The Emmys 65 year tradition of not getting it right
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:08 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Thank you to the bullies, to the popular kids, to the gym teachers who made fun of the way we ran...and...you're not an underdog, dude, stop pretending you are.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:08 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Are people forgetting that Bryan Cranston's already won THREE times? He's fantastic, but seriously, it's okay if he doesn't win again, especially since Jon Hamm's like 0/9 or something now.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:08 Guest
Matthew Seitz: 
Drama series: Go Breaking Bad.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:09 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Breaking Bad wins!
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:09 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From SeanSean: ] 
For God's sake, YES
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:09 Sean
Matthew Seitz: 
Daughter: "Oh, my God, Aaron Paul shaved his beard. Thank God. Thank GOD."
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:09 Matthew Seitz
Matthew Seitz: 
Vince Gilligan. "Holy crap! ... I thought this was gonna be House of Cards."
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:10 Matthew Seitz
[Comment From horohoro: ] 
This makes me happy. What else would have made me happy? Banks getting the Supporting Actor award.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:10 horo
Matthew Seitz: 
We're done. Goodnight, Vulture readers.
Sunday September 22, 2013 11:10 Matthew Seitz

Matt Zoller Seitz Live-Blogs the 2013 Emmys