Now that Dan Harmon is working on Community again, he can’t get past how much he disliked season four. And despite getting in trouble for bagging on it before, Harmon can’t help himself. Always a glutton for punishment, the location of his most recent attack happened on the Unpopular Opinions About the “Unpopular Opinions About Community” subreddit. Harmon took offense to the idea that the problems with season four stem from problems with season three (an argument we made last March), ripping off a rant that included this excerpt:
Saying season 3 sucked is like punching my brother. I wish it wouldn’t happen but my brother probably deserved it, he’s kind of nuts. But I love him, you know? I don’t talk to him, but he’s my brother.
Saying season 4 sucked is like punching…let’s say Jeffrey Dahmer. He’s from my home town, but I didn’t know him and he ate 17 people.
Saying season 3 sucked so bad that it made season 4 suck is like feeding my brother to Jeffrey Dahmer. I have no idea if he deserves it, it doesn’t matter if he does, it bums me out, there’s nothing I can do, but definitely no need to argue about it.
Explaining why season 4 is season 3′s fault and how it’s important to state your opinion and I should really calm down is like feeding my brother to Dahmer really slowly, while wearing Harry Potter glasses that you keep pushing up on the bridge of your nose.”
So look forward to the episode next season in which the gang meets a stranger named Subreddit (he’s Subway’s brother) and then eats him.