It should not be so complicated; if you are going to go to a Fiona Apple concert, then you should know that Fiona is a fragile performer, and she does not appreciate talking while she is pouring her heart out onstage. She especially does not appreciate heckling, which is what happened last night in Portland. Toward the end of Apple’s set with Blake Mills, some jackass in the balcony yelled, “Fiona! Get healthy! We want to see you in ten years.” Fiona got very angry — “Who the fuck do you think you are? I want you to get the fuck out of here! — and the heckler was duly escorted out, but not before yelling, “I saw you twenty years ago and you were beautiful!” Fiona sang one more song (“through sobs”), apologized, and left. For the thousandth time, Free Fiona.