You Had To Be There #114: Lie Lie Lie

This week, Sara and Nikki briefly return to the format of yore by inviting perennial guest Cory Cavin (Awful DJ comedy, Model Wife) to talk about hangovers and listen about periods. In case you’re somehow still guest-hungry, Nikki & Sara Live production manager/breakout star Brian Hoff drops in to explain the guerrilla campaigns he wages against capitalism that are almost as lucrative as they are absurd. And speaking of guests, make sure you watch this week’s Nikki & Sara Live to see your hosts catch their white whale after years of hunting and dreaming and begging.

Oh, last thing: Nikki and Sara are hosting a night of standup at the Gramercy Theatre on November 8th for the New York Comedy Festival. They’ll fill you in on the full lineup soon, but really, what else do you need. Get yr tix here.

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You Had To Be There #114: Lie Lie Lie