It’s over. DISH Network Corporation announced today that they will be closing the remaining 300 Blockbuster locations (apparently there had been 300 open Blockbusters — who knew?) in the next two months. On the move, DISH president Joseph P. Clayton said, “This is not an easy decision, yet consumer demand is clearly moving to digital distribution of video entertainment.” (A sentence Netflix’s president is about to get tattooed on his back.) DISH will maintain the Blockbuster brand in the form of “Blockbuster @Home,” a streaming service for their TV costumers, and “Blockbuster On Demand” for online streaming. R.I.P., Blockbuster retail locations. You will be missed by bored 15-year-olds looking for a place to walk around and bullshit with their friends on a Friday night.
Update: As the New York Times points out, these developments don’t technically affect the 50 Blockbusters that are owned as a franchise by third parties. Though we can’t imagine they’re doing super well. Either way, road trip!