New Idol Judge Harry Connick Jr. Jabs Ex-Judge Randy Jackson

Did new judge Harry Connick Jr. get in a subtle jab at one of American Idol’s founding judges? Whether you’re a longtime Idol fan or even just someone who’s seen a Saturday Night Live parody, you’ll recognize “pitchy” as one of Randy Jackson’s most spouted catchphrases (the other was certainly “yo, dawg”). After a hopeful on the second night of auditions previewed his own performance as “a jazzier version of ‘I Want You Back,’” Connick went off: “Don’t use the word jazzy. It’s not a word … It’s one of those words, like pitchy. We all know what it means … pitchy is one of those words people say over and over without knowing what they mean.” (If you want to watch, Connick starts his diss at 1:21, then gets a bit cut off at the end.) Beware, Paula: You’re next.

Samuel Ramsey 24, San Francisco Auditions... by HumanSlinky
Idol’s Connick Jr. Mocks ‘Pitchy’ Randy Jackson