If the idea of a Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell–fronted Fantastic Four movie weren’t exciting enough, maybe two Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell–fronted Fantastic Four movies is. Fox announced the sequel’s (a.k.a. Fantastic Four 2: Fantastic 42) release date, July 14, 2017, this morning, despite the fact that the first one doesn’t come out until June 19, 2015. Also, a new Wolverine picture was announced for March 3, 2017. But to make things interesting and to keep pace with Disney’s Marvel movies, Fox announced another undisclosed Marvel movie for July 13, 2018. Could this be the X-Force movie Kick-Ass 2’s Jeff Wadlow signed on to write and potentially direct? Or maybe it’s a kids-focused project, X-Men: Babies, which would have all the X-Men as toddlers and all you’d see of Professor X is his wheelchair and shins.