According to the New York Times, Netflix has acquired a new kids series based on The Magic School Bus, the popular Scholastic books and science-education TV show that ran on PBS from 1994 through 1997. This version, which Scholastic Media will produce for debut in 2016, will be CGI-animated and titled The Magic School Bus 360°; there are plans for 26 half-hour streaming episodes. According to Scholastic Media president Deborah Forte, the show will feature a “modernized” Ms. Frizzle (originally voiced by Lily Tomlin) and will make use of new scientific tools including robots and a “smart suit worn by the character Carlos that determines his body’s vital signs instantly.” Although, frankly, we still prefer the old-fashioned way of determining somebody’s vital signs: by riding a magical bus through their innards. Hopefully there will still be some of that?