Much of the news today was dominated by crisis and catastrophe, so naturally a number of celebrities took to Twitter to craft their own uniquely inappropriate responses to the day’s events. This evening, Bill Maher faced backlash over a tasteless, bizarrely sexist tweet about the Israel-Gaza conflict that referred to Hamas as “dealing w/ a crazy woman.” You “can only hold her wrists so long before you have to slap her,” he explained.
Maher has yet to respond to requests for comment.
Meanwhile, Jason Biggs, who has a habit of tweeting offensive remarks, was criticized for an insensitive joke made shortly after the downing of a Malaysia Airlines jet over Eastern Ukraine, which killed 295 passengers. “Anyone wanna buy my Malaysian Airlines frequent flier miles?” Biggs wrote in a since-deleted tweet.
He eventually apologized, but not before taking umbrage at his critics. “Hey all you ‘too soon’ a**holes - it’s a f***ing joke. You don’t have to think it’s funny, or even be on my twitter page at all,” he wrote. “The idea that I wouldnt have any empathy 4 the victims or their families because I make a joke is absolutely ridiculous. U know that, right? … Truly - you losers are literally trying to find s*** to get angry about. Channel your issues elsewhere.”
Those tweets have also since been deleted, leaving only the following apology:
Meanwhile, all is quiet on the Rihanna front.