No Joke, ‘BuzzFeed’ Just Hired ‘Clickhole’ Editor Daniel Kibblesmith

Today’s most bizarre news item comes courtesy of Poynter, and it reads like an Onion headline: An editor from The Onion’s BuzzFeed/Upworthy parody site Clickhole has been hired at BuzzFeed. According to the report, Clickhole associate editor Daniel Kibblesmith has officially accepted a position as a BuzzFeed staff writer. “Daniel first came to our attention with his powerful and important Clickhole piece, ’Which Hungry Hungry Hippo Are You?,’ which is not just a profound philosophical question, but a major quiz opportunity that we ourselves had somehow overlooked,” BuzzFeed editorial director Jack Shepherd said on the announcement. “As you can imagine, we are extremely excited to have him on the team.” Maybe if things go well with Kibblesmith, BuzzFeed will make the next logical step and buy all of Onion Inc. before someone else does.

No Joke, ‘BuzzFeed’ Just Hired ‘Clickhole’ Editor […]