Kendrick Lamar may be the only person in hip-hop who doesn’t enjoy clowning on Iggy Azalea. (Even Iggy Azalea does it!) In the latest issue of Billboard, Lamar speaks out in defense of the Australian rapper. “She’s doing her thing,” he says. “Let her. People have to go through trials and tribulations to get where they at. Do your thing, continue to rock it, because obviously God wants you here.” Not content to rescue just one person’s reputation Kendrick also had kind words for the Iggy Azalea of 2013, Macklemore: “[He’s] a genuine dude … I wish him much success.” If he keeps this up, Kendrick Lamar Saying Nice Things About White Rappers is going to become its own drinking game. Macklemore? Drank. Iggy? Drank.